Frog in knots

Knitting, knots and frogging.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

A Good Year

I've been upstaged by the blog. It's jumped in with an anniversary the day before my birthday - the nerve! It feels like just last month that I wrote my first post and I can't believe it's been a year already.

Check out the video for details of a fab prize draw as a way of saying thank you to all you wonderful people that visit, you really make blogging worthwhile - even you shy lot that don't say anything!


At 3:20 am, Blogger CelticCastOn said...

Happy Anniversary!!! :)
I was laughing at Cheeky monkey Cassie trying to steal your knitting :)

At 3:40 am, Blogger Jerry & Maxy said...

Happy Anniversary!!! And happy birthday!!! (My bday is Wednesday :)) I loved the video post! Cassie is a nut, and your sweater looks great!

Thank you for having such a great blog, and being such a kind and active reader too!

At 6:01 am, Blogger HPNY KNITS said...

happy blogaversay and happy birthday. I love the video blog! its so cool!
cassie is growing so fast!

At 6:25 am, Blogger Baigneuse said...

Happy Blogiversary! The sweater looks great. My cat occasionally mistakes my feet for chew toys too.

At 8:17 am, Blogger Mary-Lou said...

A blogiversary and a birthday! - congratulations on both!

At 8:40 am, Blogger KnitYoga said...

Happy Blogiversary, Rain, and happy birthday, too! Nice to see mischievous puppy, Cassie, having a good time as well! LOL Viveka's looking great. Good luck with your design! I really enjoy your video blog posts. :-)

At 9:50 am, Blogger Ling said...

Happy birthday and happy blogaversay! A year has certainly flown by! May you have many more years filled with lovely gorgeous knitting and yarns.

I love Cassie - she is just adorable.

At 1:19 pm, Blogger Seahorse said...

Happy birthday and happy blogiversary too!

Lovely to see a movie post again!

At 1:55 pm, Blogger KnitPastis said...

Happy Blog Anniversary! I was so thrilled to see you posted by video again. The sweater is coming along so nicely knitting in the round. Thank you as well for visiting my blog ever since the very beginning. Enjoy your day!

At 2:15 pm, Blogger Pinkwool said...

Happy birthday and happy blogiversary. I missed my own blogiversary. hehe DH's b-day is tomorrow, November is a busy b-day month for us.

LOVE the video blogs and listening to your voice. As you know we Americans can't get enough of the English accent. The yarn you used for the sweater is gorgeous. I am drawn to tweeds myself, just never get to find/use them and I am not much of a garment knitter.

DS loves your blog, too. He sits nexts to me and says "Wook! A fwog!" when I am reading your blog. :)

At 2:34 pm, Blogger Bezzie said...

Another knitter with a November birthday! Something about February I guess!

I can't wait to see your video (I loved the last one) but I'm at work now blogsurfing on the down low!

Happy Birthblogiversaryday!

At 2:57 pm, Blogger Piglottie said...

Happy Blog Anniversary and Happy Birthday for today!!! The video blog is great, and Cassie is so funny. Love the sweater and am very excited about your secret project - good luck with getting it published.

PS: Have you tried a toy called Kongs with Cassie? They are rubber and you stuff them with treats, but might keep her from chewing your knitting and/or feet :-)

At 3:38 pm, Blogger T said...

Happy Birthday/Blogiversary dear Rain. Haha, that pesky puppy :D
Did somebody say you had an English accent? I'm saying nowt ;) :P Ahhh, you know how I love to take the mickey .... and then run!

At 4:58 pm, Blogger darlene mcleod said...

Happy Blogiversabirthday!

Cassie has the loveliest floppy ears! She's such a cutie! (Have you given her frozen carrots to chew on? Better than your toes or your knitting!)

Can't wait to see your sweater design!

At 6:46 pm, Blogger Daisy said...

Happy Birthday Blog (and Rain).

At 7:03 pm, Blogger Melissa said...

Love the video! Happy Blogiversary! Happy Birthday!
Cassie is to freaking cute! :0

At 7:29 pm, Blogger artyfartykat said...

A double celebration! Congrats on a year of blogging and hope you have a wonderful birthday.
I love the video posts,with Cassie stealing the limelight!!
Alfie, my border terrier puppy, loves empty plastic yoghurt pots and empty pop bottles to chew on, and when they get too chewed, I just swap it for a new one!! Cheapo eh!!

At 7:34 pm, Blogger Peg-woolinmysoup said...

Happy Blogaversary and also a Happy Birthday!
I did not catch the name of the sweater you are currently knitting from Knitty!

At 9:50 pm, Blogger turtlegirl76 said...

I cannot believe you've only been blogging a week longer than me! You were my very first commenter once I switched it over to a knitting blog. I've not forgotten that. Funny how a year goes by so fast! Happy Blogiversary!

At 10:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday and happy blogiversary!

Have your toes recovered? :-)

Your blog is right up there in my bookmarks, I love stopping by to see what you're up to!

At 11:12 pm, Blogger Diane said...

Congratulations Rain on your 1 year anniversary! And i hope you have a very Happy Birthday too :0)
I see what you mean about Cassie pretending to be good as she tried to secretly snaffle your knitting!
Mind you, you have her well trained she soon let go without to much of a Dyson ate a good chunk of my crochet that had fallen on the floor this just unravelled in a flash! Whoosh and it was gone!!!!

At 12:14 am, Blogger Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary Rain! Love the video - so much fun to hear your voice!

At 1:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary! Love the videoblog, and the naughty puppy :-D

At 2:11 am, Blogger Stefaneener said...

Oh, happy happy birthday! And blogiversary! It's such fun reading your adventures. Nice puppy.

At 2:39 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's to another great year on the blog! I love your video posts, and I want them to catch on in the Blogosphere. I know I should try to help that happen by doing one myself, but I just can't think of anything worthy of video. I WILL do it eventually, though -- I think it's the next wave of knitblogging!

At 4:12 am, Blogger cpurl17 said...

Happy Blogiversary! Happy Birthday!

I love your video blogs--and Cassie. More please!

I had to play your video twice because I had to wrestle my lace knitting from my cat during the first play.

At 6:27 am, Blogger Charity said...

Happy Blog Anniversary, and Happy Birthday, too! I love your video posts! :0)

At 10:35 am, Blogger M said...

Happy Blogiversary and hope you have a Happy Birthday too. :) I'm really enoying the video blogs - they're great.

At 11:43 am, Blogger Zonda said...

Yay!! Happy Birthay and Blogiversary! I love your video posts as I love to hear your voice! Gee, too bad you have to share your knitting with Cassie LOL! I wish you luck with your secret sweater pattern!

At 12:22 pm, Blogger Linda said...

Happy bloggybirthday!!! I loved your video and will have a read of your blog now I have found it!
Lin x

At 12:30 pm, Blogger Rain said...

Thanks folks.

Piglottie - she does have a Kong which is a great distraction but it isn't hard enough for teething issues, it seems to be the hard plastic toys with no give that give her the most relief - or my feet.

Nanatoo - you cheeky monkey. It's you lot from Dahn Sarf that don't speak properly.

Lilknitter - thanks for the frozen carrot tip, she's been chomping on one this morning.

Artyfartykat - we can be cheap together! Both Cass and our last dog have been avid plastic bottle chewers.

Peg - it's Viveka, cover pattern of the Fall '06 issue.

TG - I didn't know that, how cool.

Diane - the first command she learnt was 'swap'. Puppies are such little thieves it comes in handy.

Rachel - Come on! It's not like mine are worthy of video either but I did them anyway.

Cpurl - I know the feeling, that was about the fourth take because she was so giddy and I had to put her in another room in the end.

At 3:14 pm, Blogger Bad Amy said...

How fun to see another video! Happy Blog-Anniversary Rain! My 1st anniversary passed without me realizing, I'm silly like that. Congrats and keep on knitting, we love to see your projects.

At 5:08 pm, Blogger DomesticOverlord said...

I love the video posts!

Happy birthday to you and your blog. It doesn't seem like it's only been a year that I've been reading about your exploits.

I can't wait to see your published sweater!

At 5:53 pm, Blogger Anab1 said...

I only just recently discovered your blog but I'm glad I did. Happy blogaversary and birthday. I think I found you via a "blog-map" on someone else's blog when I was looking for knitters "up north" as I've just moved up here.

At 6:23 pm, Blogger acrylik said...

Happy Blogaversary and Happy Birthday, Rain! Great to see another video post - keep 'em coming!

At 6:53 pm, Blogger Kendra said...

Happy blogversity and happy Birthday! (mine is next Wednesday!)

Can't wait to see you published.

At 7:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary and Birthday!

I just soooo love Cassie! The video post is brilliant, its nice to see and hear you. Thanks for being such a great visitor and commenter on my blog. :-)

At 8:57 pm, Blogger allisonmariecat said...

Happy birthday and happy blogiversary!

At 11:49 pm, Blogger Dina said...

Here's a pint to the blog and many more for you! Prost!

At 12:16 am, Blogger LadyLinoleum said...

Happy Blogiversary! Happy Birthday too!

Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Sorry it took me so long to get over here.

At 6:08 pm, Blogger Knittypants said...

Happy Blogiversary!! And Happy Birthday now, too. I can't believe how quickly a year goes by :-)

At 3:51 am, Blogger reluctantMANGO said...

Ok, you're amazingly calm in the face of chewed knitting! My dog Tundra chewed the corners off of the first quilt I ever made (I was so proud of it!), and I was mad at her for weeks! Happy blogiversary... I really enjoy your posts, and take great inspiration from your knitting. Here's to another great year!

At 4:02 am, Blogger knitfriendly said...

happy blogiversary Rain! You and I started our blogs just about the same time and you were my first regular commenter. I will never forget how excited I was to look at your blog and see a link to my blog under your heading "blogs that rock." I became much more motivated to blog after that point because I knew that I would always have at least one comment. Thank you so much for your consistant comments. They really mean a lot to me. Congrats once again! :)

At 2:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy blogibirthdayversary!


At 5:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday and blogiversary!!!!! I'm so sorry for commenting so late-my blog reading time is soo limited. I hope you had a great day on your b-day-you deserve it!!
Another great video post!

At 9:41 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy blogaversery!! I can't believe I've been reading for a year already!

Oh & a belated happy birthday :)

At 11:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary & Birthday! I love the videos but I almost had a heart attack watching Cassie chewing on your knitting! It was like watching a car accident, whew. Glad everyone and everything is ok ;)

Good luck with your design, you've designed some great stuff already so I'm sure it will be fantastic.

At 8:39 am, Blogger Tusa said...



Happy Birthday!

At 5:37 pm, Blogger Samantha said...

Belated Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday! :) I love the video post. I could listen to your voice for hours! :)

At 7:11 pm, Blogger Craftydramaqueen said...

Many happy returns and many happy blogs to come!! Keep the faith.
CDQ xxx

At 10:40 pm, Blogger musta lammas said...

I know I`m probably late for the competition, but wanted to wish you happy birthday and blogaversary belatedly anyway!
Mrs. Beetons look great, by the way - I`ve been meaning to knit ones for myself forever, but it looks like my knitting time will be dedicated to Christmas knitting until holidays.


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