England Football Jumper
England Football Jumper - Babies and Toddlers

Approx age 0-3 mths 3-6 mths 6-12 mths 1-2 yrs 2-3 yrs
Chest (actual measurement) 18” 20” 22” 24” 26”
Length 10” 11” 12” 13” 14”
Sleeve length (underarm) 6.5” 7” 8” 9” 12”
Yarn DK (acrylic) MC 100g 100g 150g 150g 150g
CC 50g 50g 50g 50g 50g
Tension 22 sts/30 rows = 4" in stocking stitch on 4 mm /US 6 needles
The pattern is suitable for any DK yarn.
Needles: 1 pair each of 3.75mm (US 5) and 4mm (US6).
2 stitch holders or waste yarn.
A note on sizing: The ages given are only rough guidelines. To get the best fit measure the chest of the child and add 2” for babies and a close fit on toddlers and 4” for a loose fit on toddlers. The jumper is designed to worn longer than usual so it resembles an untucked football shirt.
With 3.75 needles and MC cast on 50 (56, 60, 66, 70) sts.
Row 1: *k2, p2. Repeat from * to last 2 (0, 0, 2, 2) sts, k2.
Row 2: p2 (o, o, 2, 2) *k2, p2. Repeat from * to last 0 (2, 2, 0, 0) sts, k2.
Repeat the last 2 rows twice more (6 rows total).
Change to 4mm needles and work 26 (30, 34, , 38, 42) rows as follows;
** Row 1: Knit MC 28 (32, 35, 39, 42), CC 10 (10, 10, 10, 10), MC 12 (14, 15, 17, 18) sts.
Row 2: Purl MC 12 (14, 15, 17, 18), CC 10 (10, 10, 10, 10), MC 28 (32, 35, 39, 42) sts.
Repeat from **
Change to CC and work 14 rows in st-st as set.
Work rows 1 and 2 for 14 (18, 22, 26, 30) rows.
Shape neck
Row 1: Knit 15 (17, 18, 20, 21) sts, k2 tog, k1. Turn and work on these 17 (19, 20, 22, 23) sts only.
Row 2: Purl.
Row 3: Knit 14 (16, 17, 19, 20) sts, k2 tog, k1.
Row 4: Purl.
Row 5: Knit 13 (15, 16, 18, 19) sts, k2 tog, k1.
Row 6: Purl.
Row 7: Knit 12 (14, 15, 17, 18) sts, k2 tog, k1.
Row 8: Purl.
Work 4 rows straight.
Cast off remaining 14 (16, 17, 19, 20) sts.
Place centre 14 (16, 18, 20, 22) sts on a holder. Work the remaining sts thus;
Row 1: CC k1, k2 tog, k3, MC k12 (14, 15, 17, 18).
Row 2: MC p12 (14, 15, 17, 18), CC p5.
Row 3: CC k1, k2 tog, k2, MC k12 (14, 16, 17, 18).
Row 4: MC p12 (14, 15, 17, 18), CC p4.
Row 5: CC k1, k2 tog, k1, MC k12(14, 16, 17, 18).
Row 6: MC p12 (14, 15, 17, 18), CC p3.
Row 7: CC k1, k2tog, MC k12 (14, 16, 17, 18).
Row 8: MC p12 (14, 15, 17, 18), CC p2.
Row 9: CC k2, MC k12 (14, 15, 17, 18).
Row10: As row 8.
Row11: As row 9.
Row12: As row 8.
Cast off in MC but working 1st st in CC.
With 3.75mm needles and MC cast on 50 (56, 60, 66, 70) sts
Row 1:
Row 2:
Repeat these 2 rows twice more (6 rows total).
Change to 4mm needles.
Starting with a knit row work 66 (74, 82, 90, 98) rows in st-st.
Cast off 14 (16, 17, 19, 20) sts, k22 (24, 26, 28, 30) sts, cast off remaining 14 (16, 17, 19, 20) sts.
Place the centre sts on a holder.

Notes: The stripe is maintained in the neckband. It is easier to use two separate pieces of yarn for the white sections than stranding it across the back of the work. When casting off treat each of the 3 sections as a separate piece and weave in the end of the yarn to the next colour so the edge looks uninterrupted.
Join right shoulder using mattress stitch.
Using 3.75mm needles with RS facing pick up and knit
MC 12 (12, 12, 12, 12) sts down left side of neck, k14 (16, 18, 20, 22) sts off holder.
CC k4 rem sts on holder and pick up and knit 12 (12, 12, 12, 12) sts up right side of neck.
Slip the 22 (24, 26, 28, 30) sts from the back holder on the needle with the other sts 60 (64, 68, 72, 76) sts total.
Join in new yarn and work 6 rows thus keeping the colours correct as set;
*k2, p2. Repeat from * to end.
Cast off in rib maintaining colours correct.
Sleeves (make 2)
With 3.75mm needles and MC cast on 32 (36, 40, 44, 48) sts.
Row 1: *k2, p2. Repeat from * to end. Work this row 6 times in total.
Change to 4mm needles and starting with a knit row work in st-st thus;
Inc 1 st at each end of 1st and every foll 4th row until 52 (60, 68, 76, 74) sts.
26” chest size only - and then on every foll 6th row until 84 sts.
All sizes ontinue straight for 7 (3, 3, 3, 6) rows (or desired length).
Cast off.
Make up
Using mattress stitch, join right neck and shoulder. Join side seams to top of red stripe and join in sleeve. Sew sleeve seam.
Wear with pride!

For a more authentic look you can add embroidered badges, letters and numbers. You could even chart intarsia names and numbers on the back.

If you encounter any problems with the pattern please don't hesitate to get in touch and let me know.
This pattern is provided free for your own non-commercial use. This pattern may not be reproduced online in other locations or in hard copy to be sold or distributed without the permission of the owner (that's me!).
Youth and Adult sizes still to come.
That issuch a fantastic sweater! I may make that for one of my nephews - though no one in my family would understand the England connection.
I love the way you carried the color into the neckband. Very nice.
St. Georges day? Doesn't that have something to do with dragons? :-)
Drink a beer for me!!! I'd be joining if I were there today. I love this pattern. You rock!
A pattern! Yay!
Thanks folks.
Monica, it certainly will work for any of the Scandinavian countries.
Great pattern! Thanks for sharing. :)
Excellent! - obviously not a football-free zone here! I like the way you've got the cross onto the neckband as well
Thanks Mary-Lou. I'm chomping at the bit for the World Cup to start.
This is a great pattern for making an adorable football jumper.
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