The Female of the Species... more deadly than the male, especially with PMT and an automatic assault rifle :)
That is me, before you ask. I only mention it because my own mother didn't recognise me.
I did indeed come across some pretty scary folk in my military days and none moreso than my friend Ned. He is one scary MoFo. He used to be an All Arms Marine Commando and passed selection for the SAS before deciding to transfer to the Air Force (better terms and engagement for those with families). He is not the kind of person you want to meet down a dark alley and yet is the nicest and most genuine person I have ever met. He also coached me back to fitness after an injury. There are few incentives to run out there, but a bit of 'gentle encouragement' from a Royal Marine is sure to get you moving.
Once I heard Ned was having a son I knew I had to make him something military related. I have to admit I was almost tempted by this tiny Rambo suit, but went for a Combat Jacket like the one I'm wearing above. It won't be too long before Sol is running round blowing things up as a Mini-Marine complete with All-Arms Commando badge and sergeant stripes .
Although you can't see them, because, well, that's the point of camouflage, there are 4 pockets on the front. I should have chosen better buttons really, but couldn't find enough in the right colour in time.
It's made in Patons Fab which is 100% acrylic and took just under 200g. The pattern is an alteration of this one found in Phildar Baby No.50 which I assume was published some time in the 80s. It's a 20" chest so it should fit him in the autumn.
Be afraid folks, be very afraid.