Frog on the Move

I have actually been very, very lucky and got a last minute place at one of the best institutions in the UK and am quite looking forward to my move Dahn Sarf. If your name is Sue I'll be appearing in a wool shop near(ish) to you very soon. In fact the course starts in 3 weeks time.
Normal blogging will resume shortly although knitting will have to take a bit of a back seat for a little while. Small projects ahoy!
Small projects are good projects too... If small knitting projects is what makes your big educationg project work out then small projects it is, right!
Good luck going back to school!
I'm a small project fiend!
Congrats on going back to school--have fun!
That sign cracks me up--hee!
you go girl!!!!
If you mean where I think you mean, then I will be there 27th October for most of the day... it would be good to see you
Congratulations, I wish you all the luck.
Please tell me where is this amazing yarn shop, if I just happen to fly to England...
It's always inspiring to hear about people making big, positive changes in their lives. Good luck on your move and starting school. Maybe just work on socks for a while?
Love the frog sign!
Good luck! I think we should all regularly schedule changes in our lives - just to keep things interesting!
Yay! You got in! Congratulations! Woo hoo!
And you know, socks are the perfect small project.
Just sayin'.
Hey well done and good luck!
Good luck! Just a coincidence that you'll be near a fab yarn shop??? I love the Lavender & Lace outfit. I wanted to knit it when I saw it but it may be too hard for me. Lovin the road sign!
Congratulations! I think its a great choice and hope you enjoy every minute of it :)
Best of luck with the move and congrats on your new course!
Love that sign!! Good luck with the move and back to school!
Hehe..good LYS huh? Good for you!
Congratulations! I wish you every success in your studies and applaud your courgage to follow your heart!
Good for you and I wish you all the very best. Must be really exciting to take a change in direction.
woot woot! congratulations! :)
Congratulations and good luck! Mr. ReMango starts back to school tomorrow, and I'm terribly proud of him... and just a little jealous (don't tell!). How exciting to make a fresh start!
Wow! Things sound like they are very exciting for you right now. And busy!
Have fun with going back to school and all the stuff that goes with it :-)
Ooohh! A change of scenery! How nice! Congrats on deciding to go back to school and persuing your dreams. It's my dream to not change a diaper 15 times a day or not listen to a preschooler whine over having an empty sippy cup because he just sucked down the whole danged cup 3 seconds ago. I feel you will reach your dream before me. HA!
Good luck with the move. I hope allgoes smoothly for you and you can settle in quickly. Yay for you!! Congrats again!! ((hugs))
How exciting! I hope you have some cummute time so you can keep up with little projects!
Can't wait to keep reading about this new adventure :)
Brave you - well done - where's the yarn shop (just in case I'm in the UK and going past....) Small projects are fun too - and don't forget - knitting in tutorials makes you look confident and insouciant! - Don't knit in the uni bar after the second beer though!
Congratulations. Sounds like a fab new beginning!
OMG! Good for you! It's not an easy thing to decide or make a move on. I am sure that you will be knitting something soon.
looove the frog crossing sign!
Congrats!! What an exciting time for you.
And where is that amazing yarn shop? Pray tell...
Congrats! No we can whine about coursework together!
Lock up the children indeed!? Heehee.. I'm frequently amused that the public will allow me to poke them with needles filled with radioactive stuff! Run away! Run away!
Congratulations! Here's to new beginnings and small projects!
Good luck with uni and the move. I found it a bit of a shock to move "oop north" from "darn sarf" Hopefully it won't be as bit a shock to you. Keep us posted now and again. :-) Good luck again.
Congrats on going back to school! You're setting yourself up for grey hairs in that line of work.
I took a look back at all the sweaters you got from those little boys and girls at your local sweatshop. I'm still not convinced that you can knit a sweater a month. I can't even knit a sweater in a year! They are lovely though. The sweaters, not the sweatshop workers.
Wow! Good for you and have a great time learning!
Congrats on all the new changes taking place! Going back to Uni will be great! Lots of luck. Small projects are great-INSTANT (well, almost) gratification!
Ooh Blimey! If I ever found myself up the duff, I was thinking that I'd have to ship the sprog over the pond to get it a decent (free) education... but maybe I'll have to rethink things a bit - wwuuhh-hahaha!!
I applaud your brave decision, it's not easy changing your life around but I'm sure you'll have lots of fun. (Maybe you could even teach me how to spell?)
Good luck, me owd!
Good luck! Sometimes, those spur of the moment decisions are the best, because they've been a long time coming and ripening in the back of your mind.
Congratulation and best of luck with everything!
Congratulations!!! That sounds awesome. :) I'd let you teach my children.
Hooray! Good luck for your move and with the course. And enjoy the yarn shop! ;-)
Congratulations! Good luck with your new endeavor.
Congratulations! I know how hard it can be to make that decision (my husband just returned to graduate school for a complete career change after 10 years), but I think it is so worth it. And if there's a fantastic yarn shop in the bargain, so much the better!
Good luck!
Congrats , have fun and I wish you luck :)
Congrats on going back to school! I am thinking about possibly going for my BA in Education when I get back from teaching English in Korea...just not too sure at the moment.
Dahn Sahf? Anywhere local to yours-truly? :)
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