It appears that bean number two just couldn't wait any longer and has jumped the queue to become baby number one. Despite being three weeks early, Ned and Nicky are delighted with baby Sol who came into the world a happy and healthy 5 lb 10 oz. He's only little, but by all accounts is an absolute cutie.
He has also prompted some panic knitting on my part as I never knit anything smaller than an 18" chest. My brother was a whopping 11 lb and has been a family lesson in not knitting small sizes.
I was already in the middle of knitting this boat neck sweater for him from 'Baby Knits for Beginners' by Debbie Bliss when I found out, so I finished it off while choosing something smaller which I hope to have finished by tomorrow. This is the laziest piece of knitting that I have ever done, no neck shapings just increases on the sleeves. I added in a reverse row at the top of the sleeves just to make it match up a little better with the neck sts. I also undid the cast on rows for all the pieces and cast then off instead to stop it rolling quite so much at the bottom. I subbed in DK acrylic for the cashmerino aran
(nice but over-priced IMHO), it has a slightly more open weave as it's knitted on 5mm, but isn't out of range for the yarn and produces a similar enough gauge to get away with. It only took about 50 g. I know pale blue is a little unimaginative, but you never know if more unusual colours will match up with the baby's other outfits.As for the other bean, Jenny is getting very impatient and was almost induced on Friday but got sent home from the hospital. If you have any tips for hurrying things along then answers on a postcard to....
Crikey that's one determined baby, they are certainly keeping you on your toes!
I agree about the cashmerino, lovely yarn but somewhat overpriced, especially given the yardage per ball.
All these babies keeping your needles clicking... I bet you're loving it :) I've just checked to see whether our local library has the Debbie Bliss Baby Beginners Book in and as they have, I'll be sending Richard down to get it tomorrow morning. That little sweater is just the thing for my daughter who's just started knitting and wants to make something for her step-mother's sister's baby (not sure what relationship that would be). I taught her when she was little but it's taken her until now, 19, to really get an interest for it. Sometimes I think the simple things can be the nicest of all. ~Sharon xx
Oh, and I have to agree about the cashmerino. I've NEVER knitted anything with it because of the price, although I've promised myself I'll make something with it this year. No doubt it'll be something small, though. ~Sharon
Gotta love it when babies don't pay attention to your calendar. geez. If they only knew how to read in womb.
Just thought... the postcard thing. Nooky. Honestly. I went 21 days over with my daughter so the midwife gave me and my other half a private room in order to "get things moving". She was born that night. ~Sharon
Looks comfy, I'll take one.
Such a sweet and lucky little imp. That's a pretty sweater, Auntie Rain. Enjoy the little man!
Babies come when they are ready unfortunately. I was another one happy on the inside and didn't arrive until 4 weeks past my due date. Mother not happy, let me tell you!
The cashmerino is lovely, but i'm just the acrylic queen. It is easy to wash though and these days even that is really soft.
Sharon - just be careful with Debbie Bliss books, her sizing is so far off the age groups she gives that it could really upset a new knitter when they realise that the item they've made won't fit until much later than they expected. The beginners book does have some really lovely stuff in it though and is well worth a look.
I made that same sweater for Fiona over the summer, it was a very simple knit which was great for inexperienced knitter me. I did use the cashmerino but it was gifted to me for a baby shower gift so I didn't pay for it. I like the sweater though it's nice and cozy.
Good luck with finishing the other sweater on time! Make sure to take tiny breaks so that your hand doesn't cramp up! :)
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