Free Spirit
Nature is a truly astounding thing that leaves me in complete wonderment, I love seeing the world around me change with the seasons. Cassie and I have been taking advantage of the glorious spring weather in the UK to get out into the stunning woodland that's right on my doorstep. We wait for the early evening and go for a gentle stroll (I stroll - she runs herself ragged) while the late sun comes streaming through the trees and highlights the greens and browns. The woods are still quite bare but it's exciting seeing the buds knowing what's about to come.
My love for natural colours can be seen in my knitting of late as I've been inspired by what's around me. I've recently made this top from the yarn that the fabulous T sent me as part of a secret santa swap, it's Twilley's Freedom Spirit
in Earth (100% wool). I've been dying to use it and wanted to make a V neck vest. I worked mainly from the Magknits Ballet Camisole pattern as I loved the shaping in it although I worked a proper V neck. I tried to retain the same shape as the original but without pulling the fabric down to achieve it.

I love the result from this yarn, it's two colours put together as a single ply that gradually change throughout the yarn, the way they mingle in the finished piece looks fabulous. The 40"size took just under 4 balls so I have enough to make a felted bag too. A huge thanks T, it was something I was coveting but not likely to buy for myself and you couldn't have chosen better.
I'm also working in this yarn too. I've had it stashed since my teens without a clue what to do with it until I came up with a cunning plan. I'd tell you what it is but it's more fun leaving you guessing. It's going to be a while before you see the final result though, the white yarn next to it is Crochet cotton no 5 and this is slightly finer than it. My eyes, my eyes!
Psst! I'm not neglecting your blogs, I've just been away from the computer for a while. I'm off to catch up right now.

Psst! I'm not neglecting your blogs, I've just been away from the computer for a while. I'm off to catch up right now.
What lovely pics, that walk looks so peaceful.
I love the top too. I love the Freedom Spirit too, the colours are beautiful. I love the pattern too, it really suits you.
I think there's something magical about the early evenings at this time of year - just in that hour or so before it starts to get dark.
The FS top looks great on you.
Tha yarn is soooo fine. What on earth can you be making!?! Hoe it's not *too* long before all is revealed.
I love what you did to the Ballet Cami! Put me down as another one loving that color too!
That's beautiful! It looks so yummy to wear!
I might go blind trying to knit something so fine, now I am curious what's coming
It looks beautiful! I love the colors.
I also wanted to tell you how gorgeous your dog is!!
I love that top! It looks wonderful on you! Thanks for letting us know about that pattern. I must have missed that issue.
Your top is gorgeous, I love that yarn too and the way it knits up! Cassie is rather cute too! I just think her ears are great!!
That looks great. It's a very flattering garment!!
The yarn is gorgeous also.
The FS top looks fab! Love the colours in it, and it makes such a nice fabric too. The laceweight-ish yarn looks lovely too, look forward to seing the mystery item :-)
what an awesome tank and a fab pic of you both. Cassie grew up super fast, she's gorgeous!
Good gawd that tank is smashing on you!! Very nice job, m'dear!
We had a taste of spring a week ago and I want it back. Cassie looks like she loves her walks in the woods as much as her person does.
Glad to see you comment on my blog, I was getting worried about you. Thought you feel off the planet or something. Lol
You look so GREAT in that tank! And I particularly like the way you and Cassie almost have your heads tilted the same way. . . very sweet.
Can it be lace? Some teeny cap for Cassie?
Good to see you come on by the blog, too.
Lovely photos and I totaly agree , nature never ceases to amaze and inspire me.
Your top looks great and i do love that yarn as you say it has so many lovely toning colours . Casiie looks a smashing dog too ; a walk wouldn't be the same for me without a dog or two :)
What a great tank. Perfect colours on you.
Can't wait to see what the other yarn turns into.
Rain, that is an awesome tank - you look wonderful! Nice to "see" you back around, I've been missing you. :0)
Wow, your dog has really grown! Top is such a fabulous fit and love your new hair cut.
The v-neck is fabulous! The colors really worked out perfectly -- they add interest without screaming "homemade!!!" the way some variegated yarns do. I love it.
Happy (almost) spring!
stroll in the woods sounds nice! I love your V-neck top. it looks really nice on and the colors are lovely!. Casssie is getting BIGGER!
The camilsole looks awesome! Great job!
That is fabulous on you!! I love the colorway and your hair is really cute on you!
BTW: how did you do that neckline, that would so work better on me than the original one! :)
What a lovely top, wish I had your confidence to change things the way you do - it is so much nicer than the original.
Lovely tank - I love the colours and the fit is great. Wow!
What a lovely job you made of that Ballet Cami! It looks great in the yarn :D
Hmm, mystery knitting eh?
I love Spring, Cassie looks happy too :)
WOW i just can't believe how big and beautiful Cassie has got ,how old is she now? She's stunning!
Sorry you can tell how dog obsessed i am :) I love the tank pattern and the mix of colours is gorgeous!... it looks lovely on you too!Great pictures!!
That's such a beautiful photo of your local area, it looks like a fantastic place to immerse yourself in.
I *love* your cami and you look stunning in it. Cassie grows so much each time we see her.
I'm really intrigued by your mystery project, loking forward to finding out more.
Fab camisole, it really suits you.
Lovely top, the neckline is so pretty. And the walk looks so lovely, too. My daughter and I take a walk each evening I am loving seeing all the trees budding.
Let me introduce myself--I am Pam's mom from Lulah knits. I now have a blog with Pam's help via long distance. I have to tell you I just love the shell and the yarn is gorgeous. Hope to see more in the future. I will try to get someone to show me how to post pictures so that I can show what I make. right now it is socks plus I am working on a summer shell.
Oh, lovely top. And I envy you your woods! It looks as though Cassie had a very nice time.
Hmmm...something lace with the mystery yarn? Looking forward to it!
So happy to have found you again, Rain:) I lost my links and now I have a new blog and name etc.. I used to be ´tantenmonica´in Sweden...
The vest fits so well! Great job!
Now that is one gorgeous vest on you. You couldn't have done any better. Great job and the colors are so good on you too. :-)
Us softy southerners have seen our daffs come and go and the bluebells are opening up now! The weather has been absolutely fab.
The top looks great. FS is so soft to touch isn't it?
Cassie is such a darling.
That walk looks fantastic, I love the evenings at this time of year once the clocks have gone forward.
Love the FS top!
Love the FS top. Can't wait to see what you will make with the mystery yarn!!! The woodland walks with Cassie sound wonderful! It's good to get in touch with nature.
OOOooo that top looks fantastic on you =D
the camisole is really nice, I like the colours a lot! Gorgeous dog too, btw!!!
Oh, it looks lovely! I've always liked that pattern, and it looks great in that color and on you. Well done!
Wait - is that felted? I love the way it turned out! And the fit! If that is felted, damn girl. That's amazing.
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