Frog in knots

Knitting, knots and frogging.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Love is Blind

You know when they tell young lads that too much solo sex will make them go blind? Well it's the same for us knitting gals. Too much SEX (Stash Enhancement Expedition) will produce the same results. Yes, you'll get a warm tingly feeling inside, but you will indeed go blind. Blind to the fact that you have nowhere to put it, blind to the fact that you don't have a project for it, blind to the fact that you probably won't use it for at least a year and blind to the fact that you don't really need it and probably can't afford it. So girls, practise safe SEX - don't go yarn shopping with people likely to encourage you, leave your credit cards at home and only shop when you need it. Who am I kidding? It's been a positive orgy of yarn pr0n here recently so you should all share the love and go indulge yourselves.

These two were from a local market stall that sells mainly acrylic but have a lot of nicer 'seconds' for sale. Usually the problem is that the ball was the wrong weight rather than there being anything wrong with the yarn. The lilac one is Sirdar Country Style DK in Viola and was 69p per ball. I bought 700g, some for a sweater for me and the rest for something for Scarlett. The darker one is mystery yarn (please let me know if you recognise it), it's black and deep purple and has a brushed look. It's very fine. I also have small amounts of this in deep/light pink and blue/turquoise and would love to know what it is. It feels really soft. This was only 59p a ball so I bought 6 in case I wanted to use it doubled.

My LYS has had a great January sale, this Patons Crystal was in the bargain bin at 65p a ball, it's been discontinued. It's microfibre acrylic but is made the same way as DB Cathay so would make a great sub for it. I have 5 of the brown and 6 of the red and am thinking it would make lovely summer tops.

They also had the great yarn mountain out again. They pile up packs of yarn in the middle of the shop and if you want to know what's in there you really have to get down and dirty on the floor to have a good rummage through. I came away with a kilo of Sirdar Country Style in Lichen and 500g of RYC Cashsoft DK in Crush. Both were half price. The Country Style is for one of my own designs and the Cashsoft is because it would have been rude to leave it behind.

I've also been bidding away on eBay. I'm not even safe staying at home these days. I'm starting Glampyre's gorgeous Simple Knitted Bodice next month as part of an informal KAL with friends. I initially wanted the Debbie Bliss Cotton Angora (vintage rose), but even at half price had a bit of a wobble on the cost (I need two 500g packs) so I bid on the Patons Diploma Gold Aran (kilo pack) instead. I was out bid and bought the DB as a consolation only to find out I'd been given a second chance to buy it after the winning bidder didn't pay on time. It was a huge bargain, about a third of the retail price and more than enough for a sweater so I grabbed that too. Needless to say I need to take a leaf out of Mary-Lou's book and start hiding it behind the bath panel. So much for knitting from my stash....

Just in case you were hugely disappointed that this wasn't the kind of sex you had in mind. (Sorry Jen - forgot you weren't up with the latest knit slang). You need to practise safe sex for the other kind too, or you'll end up with one of these...

and adorable as baby James is... I'd rather have cashmere. He's from last year's batch of summer babies and is now 7 months old (where does the time go?) He's a very smiley little chap and keep his mum on her toes with his mischief.


At 12:52 pm, Blogger Piglottie said...

What a brilliant post Rain! Practice safe sex - such an excellent analogy. You've got me giggling here, but giggling in agreement. Lovely stash haul though - should we do as you do, or do as you say ;)

At 3:26 pm, Blogger T said...

*faints from yarn overload* I know that feeling though. That dirty feeling afterwards when you realise what you've done :( RYC cashsoft half price!!! Lucky girl. Love your Cotton Angora too. 'Batch of babies' hehe. What a sweetie.

At 3:33 pm, Blogger KnitPastis said...

Lots to love here. You scored a lot of great yarn! I am totally digging his sweater.

At 3:54 pm, Blogger Dina said...

Here's how to have perfectly safe sex when yarn / fiber shopping -- wear finger cots -- prevents all that unwanted foreplay and S(EX)TDs ;)

What a score! You, wicked woman, you!

At 4:07 pm, Blogger Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

Awwww...James is soooo adorable!

At 4:22 pm, Blogger Wye Sue said...

I hope you left some balls in the shops for others ;-)
Have fun deciding what they all want to be when they grow up...

At 5:10 pm, Blogger cpurl17 said...

That you purchased all that lovely yarn on sale means you practice smart SEX!

That baby is too cute.

At 5:22 pm, Blogger Charity said...

Great new yarn, Rain! Love all your goodies. :0)

At 5:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great yarn p0rn, and amazing bargains! You know, since you're in the sweater-a-month KAL, you really have to be on the lookout for good deals on yarn to make sweaters out of! It's not irresponsible -- it's necessary.

Enjoy knitting your way through all your lovely loot!

At 5:47 pm, Blogger acrylik said...

Oh my goodness me. I'm fair overwhelmed by all that. *dizzy*

At 5:49 pm, Blogger Lindsey said...

And happy VD to you too!!

What lovely yarn you have. *drool*

At 6:24 pm, Blogger Stefaneener said...

You are really the best yarn bargain hunter I know. Some day you'll have to share all your esoteric secrets.

James is looking lovely in that jumper. There are days I'd rather have cashmere, too.

At 7:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will so come up in any search engine with the words!! Great post great SEX. I shall live through you because of my rash decision!!!

At 8:48 pm, Blogger Craftydramaqueen said...

Yarn SEX is definitely the best! Fab bargains ;-)

At 8:55 pm, Blogger HPNY KNITS said...

you crack me up! knitting sex is a global problem!
the baby and his awesome jumper steal the show!!!

At 9:25 pm, Blogger reluctantMANGO said...

LOL... I think this means I'm a SEX addict! After viewing your yarn pinups, my credit card is twitching for some action ;) Nice haul!

At 9:43 pm, Blogger String Bean said...

Nice yarn score! I had great SEX last week. It involved merino, silk, and cashmere. It was just as good as it sounds.

I've never seen the cotton angora before. That's an interesting blend.

At 4:37 am, Blogger Zonda said...

That is some awesome SEX! Great sales! James is a cutie!

At 11:05 am, Blogger Curly Cable said...

Hi, was just browsing and came across your blog, and just wanted to say, I love your flicker page, you've made some fantastic things
also think baby James and your puppy are so cute. I,m off now to practise safe sex, hee-hee

At 3:07 pm, Blogger Samantha said...

Yarn porn! Woohoo! I love SEX! :)

If only I had read this post back in December ... I would have practice safer sex and not have ended up with a bun in the oven. *lol*

At 4:09 pm, Blogger Melissa said...

He's a cutie!!
Love the safe sex message on Valentine's Day. :)

At 4:15 pm, Blogger JD said...

The yarn p0rn was awesome and so prettiful. I wish I had practiced S.E.X. more than the baby making sort, it would have been alot cheaper. LOL Okay, I do have to admit I am in love with those big baby heads. ;-)

At 4:23 pm, Blogger Linda said...

Brilliant post! I love your bargains. x

At 5:57 pm, Blogger Batty said...

He's such a cutie!

As for safe SEX... I get reckless. What can I say, the heat of the moment, I get carried away by waves of passion, and next thing you know, I'm carrying out a huge bag full of yarn. Or I get another package...

At 6:00 pm, Blogger Pinkwool said...

My goodness you had quite the orgy there, my dear. :) Must say i am jealous though.

Baby James is just handsome! He looks fetching the the sweater you knit for him.

At 3:19 pm, Blogger G. Knerd said...

Oh the yarn, the yarn!

I was on the fence before, but now I think I *have* to go to my yarn shop today. Apparently your post had the opposite effect than intended.

At 4:40 pm, Blogger darlene mcleod said...

What a fantastic stash augmentation! Ooooh, what damage I could do with a magical credit card and my cable modem!!
And the little boy is a doll!

At 6:43 pm, Blogger artyfartykat said...

You've certainly have had good sex lately!!
Love your bargains, how do you do it!?

At 3:50 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, wow, what a wonderful time you must have had! Thanks for sharing such a great sex experience.

At 10:31 am, Blogger blueadt said...

I've also been practising SEX recently without my DH!!!

I'd love to see you let lose at Coldspring!

At 3:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yum! Purples are favourites .You have a market stall with yarn ..what a civilised town .

At 12:18 am, Blogger Artis-Anne said...

LOl what a great post . Guess we all know that low down dity feeling ;-)

At 4:33 am, Blogger turtlegirl76 said...

Ooh I recognize that sweater! It's so nice to see it modeled!

Wonderful pr0n too!

At 7:20 pm, Blogger dreamcatcher said...

Fabulous S.E.X. there :-D I love the DB you got the for Bodice, and just some gorgeous stuff there, all of it. I am rather fond of Cashsoft in "Crush" I have to say :-)

At 9:54 am, Blogger R a i n said...

Just stumbled over your blog today and got tickled pink reading your entertaining posts! =)
...and totally green with envy on your yarn haul =P

... pink and green....watermelon?

Ooo you're Rain too! Awesome hehehe.

At 6:57 pm, Blogger DomesticOverlord said...

If I could go on vacation, it would be to your stash. Sigh.

At 2:05 am, Blogger Bezzie said...

Hm, I don't know, that post makes me want to go out and buy yarn AND have babies! If you could guarantee I'd get yarn as gorgeous as that and a baby that cute!

At 4:04 pm, Blogger Kath said...

Oh, wow! Love the new yarn haul that really must have been some SEX session!
Do you have a yarn bargain radar? It certainly looks like you have!


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